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3 things to know before going to Italy

Italy is the fifth most visited country in the world, A spontaneous one where you can see artists sitting down on pavements with their paintings, where you can grab a meal on the go, where you can practice the siesta, A center of fashion, A home to the Vatican, Has the PO which is Italy’s longest river so let’s know more about the life in Italy.

Italian Language

Italian is a romantic language that derives from Latin, the pronunciation is soft and very melodic.

Most of Italians don’t speak English so before you travel to Italy, you have to learn some Italian words to know how to deal with people there.

Apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Babbel will help you in your learning journey and here is some of the vocabulary that you have to know…

Ciaio → Hello

Buongiorno → Good morning

Grazie → Thanks

Arrivederci → Goodbye or see you later

Oh, don’t forget to use your hand while speaking.

Italian Food

Prendo una carbonare, perfavore and this is how to order food in Italy.

Of course, one of the reasons why we travel to a country is to try its food and you can find some of the best food in the world in Italy.

Italian’s restaurants don’t open all day long, just for limited hours, they open between 12 pm and 1 pm and close between 2 pm and 3 pm, they open again for dinner at 7 pm or 8 pm so if you are planning to eat out, put this in your consideration.

And to be happier remember to eat gelato every day, it’s yummy!

Italian Habit

Il Dolce Far Niente which means the sweetness of doing nothing, it’s one of the most common expressions in Italy and that’s because Italians enjoy every moment in their lives, they practice the siesta which called riposo in Italy not to take a nap but they used to spend this time with their family doing nothing but resting.

You should probably think to find a way to make time for yourself too.

Italy is a wonderful spot to visit, hopefully these small tips added to your information about the life in Italy, wishing you an enjoyable trip with lots of love.